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Robinson Crusoe

Critique • Quotes • Text • At the movies

Robinson Crusoe 1890 edition1890 edition
By Daniel Defoe
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Also known as
The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner

First publication
1719, England

Literature form

Literary, adventure

Writing language

Author's country

Approx. 140,000 words

Riverworld (2003) scene
The stranded Earthling calls from Mars, but actor Paul Mantee does not phone in his part.

A future adventure

Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964): Film, 110 minutes; director Byron Haskin; writers John C. Higgins, Ib Melchior; featuring Paul Mantee, Victor Lundin, Adam West

Just the title, Robinson Crusoe on Mars, and you know this has got to be a bit of a joke. And this 1964 movie is indeed laughable. But not all bad.

Okay, it's 1964, pre-Star Trek, pre-2001, A Space Odyssey and way before Star Wars—on the tail-end of the era of Attack of the Crab Monsters, The Blob, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. So you can guess it's going to be corny and implausible, and have really lame special effects. All that's true of Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

But, goshdarn, this movie does try very hard to be a cut above all that and it largely succeeds in presenting a futuristic version of the classic Robinson Crusoe tale.

Actually I'm not sure it's based on the original novel. Despite the movie's credits giving a nod to Defoe, the screenwriters may never have read the book. Judging by the narrative here, they seem to have based their script on previous Robinson Crusoe movies.

Despite this movie's title, the castaway isn't even named Crusoe but rather Kit Draper. He's stranded on the red planet's surface with a pet monkey (instead of the Bu๑uel film's dog). Draper finds ways of breathing Martian atmosphere and harvesting vegetation but he fights against loneliness. When he's sick he guiltily fantasizes an appearance by his former astronaut colleague (Adam West, soon to become TV's Batman) who had died during the crash—shades of Herlihy's visions of his father in the 1954 film.

There's even a version of the earlier film's echo scene, though it's not presented as a knock against religious hope this time.

When extraterrestrials land on Mars to mine ore, Draper manages to save one of their dark-skinned slaves, whom he names Friday (Victor Lundin, who went on to appear in many TV science fiction series). The rest of the movie involves the three of them—including the monkey—trying to escape from the alien overlords by climbing through underground caverns in search of Martian canals, while the alien vessels bombard the planet's surface from space.

Overheated trailer for the "scientifically authentic" Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

Actually, although the space shots—the alien as well as the American flights—look like bad cartoons, the Mars sets are stylistically well done for 1964, quite advanced for their time. And actor Paul Mantee, who's on screen for almost every scene, breathes life into the Crusoe/Draper character.

Robinson Crusoe on Mars may not give you any more insights into the classic novel or the cultural icon that the story has become but, surprisingly, it doesn't do it any great disservice either.

— Eric


Critique • Quotes • Text • At the movies

1953, 1954, 1964

See also:

Treasure Island

The Castle of Otranto

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Robinson Crusoe

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